Mardin Turkey Tours

Is it Safe to Visit Southeast Of Turkey ?

The common question on the minds of many people who want to visit the region after the earthquake that hit the region in February is: Is the southeast safe to visit? Before answering this question, let’s remember that for almost 500 years no major earthquakes occured in the region and that is why it was so massive. And scientific data indicate that fault lines that discharge their energy do not produce large earthquakes for a long time. Now let’s look at what kind of effect the earthquake had on the region in question. We can analyze the situation starting from the cities included in the intensive Southeast tours.

Number 1/Mardin/Midyat: We, as people of mardin barely felt the earthquake, therefore our city is not even oficially in the list of the affected cities. Because Mardin is one of furthest city to the fault lines and in this term one of the sefest. Another fact is that the stone city is buit on a mountain which means the ground is rocky and strong.

Number 2/Adiyaman: The earthquake damaged the city center and some rural areas of Adıyaman, but neither the city center nor these damaged areas are visited during the ongoing Adıyaman tours. During the Adıyaman tour, only historical areas such as Mount Nemrut, Arsemia, Cendere Bridge, Karakuş Tumulus and Pierre Ancient City are visited, and the sections do not pose a risk in terms of earthquakes. And for accomodation our agency works only with well-constructed stone boutique hotels.

Number 3/Diyarbakır: This historical city, whose huge walls are still standing today, has not seen any damage in the old city. Only some apartments built in the 70s/80s in the new city were affected. And 90% of our sightseeing spots are outdoors here.

Number 4/Şanlıurfa: Thanks to the oldest temple of our history (Göbeklitepe), Urfa has become one of the most curious cities in recent years. When we look at the effects of the earthquake, we see that only a few old apartments were affected, but none of the buildings in the old city were affected. Urfa is also not on the fault line and the places we visit are mostly open air.

Number 5/Gaziantep: The truth about this city is; only some walls of the old castle were damaged and literally nothing else was damaged. However, Nurdağı (an origin 70 km west of the city) was badly affected. However, since many people were unaware of Nurdağı, it was reported in the press that the only affected region was Gaziantep. Moreover, 90% of our stops like Diyarbakır are open air.

I think most questions such as; is it safe to go to Mardin, is it safe to go to Adıyaman, is it safe to go to Nemrut, is it safe to go to Diyarbakır, is it safe to go to Şanlıurfa, is it safe to go to Göbeklitepe? Are answered.

Waste no more time and come to visit the northern edge of the ancient Mesopotamia with us. As Nocturnal Travel Agency, our priority is your safety.

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